Biden Administration to Continue Building Part of President Trump’s Border Wall

by Eric Lendrum


After initially vowing to not build any more new wall along the southern border, the Biden Administration has backtracked and announced that it will resume construction on some areas of the wall, the Daily Caller reports.

Construction will resume on a 13.4 mile portion of the wall located in the Rio Grande Valley, at the southernmost tip of Texas, and will once again be carried out by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The USACE confirmed that it has already “resumed DHS-funded design and construction support on approx. 13.4 miles of levee in the Rio Grande Valley that were partially excavated or at various levels of construction when work on the wall was paused for review.”

The decision comes after outcry from local politicians and residents, with the decision to suddenly halt wall construction leading to a greater influx of illegal aliens and endangering the communities. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is currently reviewing Biden’s decision to halt the border wall construction elsewhere, with the possibility that it may rule such a move illegal due to preparations already being underway, and contracts already assigned to multiple companies to carry out the design and construction.

Nevertheless, Biden issued a statement slamming the idea of a border wall, falsely claiming that it is “not a serious policy solution,” and “a waste of money.” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki similarly lied by declaring that President Trump’s widely successful and popular immigration decisions were “rooted in destructive and chaotic policies,” and that Biden would be “building a fair, orderly, and humane immigration system.”

Biden’s poor handling of the ongoing crisis as the border, with floods of illegal aliens pouring into the country due to his campaign promises of free handouts for illegals, is the source of his weakest approval ratings by far. An AP poll found that 56 percent of voters overall disapprove of Biden’s open-borders stances on immigration, while 55 percent disapprove of his handling of the current crisis.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.










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4 Thoughts to “Biden Administration to Continue Building Part of President Trump’s Border Wall”

  1. 83ragtop50

    I understand that this is not true. According to the reports I have read contractors have been given the greenlight to rebuild river levees that were taken out to provide for building the wall in order to prevent flooding – of water not illegals. But the liberal media wants to spin it to claim that more wall will be built.

  2. william delzell

    The crazy thing is that we would not need a wall if the U.S. would make Central, South American, and Caribbean countries livable again for their citizens. When the U.S. decided to support right-wing death squads and major drug dealers, it forced people to flee for their safety to the U.S.’s borders. If we are really serious about stopping this migration, we can make these countries livable again, and many Latinos will GLADLY return. Besides, why are we not punishing employers who smuggle these people in? Why does ICE, the DEA, our prosecutors, the A.G. and Biden [and Trump] give those crooks a free ride?

  3. Karen Bracken

    When are we going to get serious about sending Biden and Harris back to their respective basements?? This is a fraudulent administration. Some might call it a coup or a mutiny. I call it treason and sedition at the highest levels.

  4. Tim Price

    Progressive will have a duck fit!
